Business Consulting Client Intake Form

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A business consulting client intake form is used to gather the business data of new consulting clients at the start of the working relationship. The form records details such as the client’s contact information, industry classification, ideal customer, and financial objectives. Intake forms provide business consultants insight into their client’s current practices and goals, and help them determine how they may best serve their needs.

Types of Business Consulting Services

Business consultants offer various services and tend to specialize in a particular industry or area of expertise. Common examples of their services include:


Form Sections

After Completing

After the client’s completed the intake form, the business consultant will assess their client’s objectives and prepare for the job. They will often schedule an initial consultation to discuss the client’s expectations, the scope of the services, budgets, and other details. Once the proposed services are agreed upon, business consultants will typically provide a final consulting agreement to formalize their working relationship with the client.

Related Forms (3)

Business Consulting Agreement – Details the services a business consultant will provide a client.

Consulting Retainer Agreement – An agreement in which a client provides an advance payment to secure a consultant’s services.

Consulting Engagement Letter – Used to specify the nature of a consultant-client relationship.